ZK-005 Keris Sengkelat Madura
Keris Item No: 005
Style / Dapur: Sengkelat
Era / Tangguh: Madura, 20th Century
Surface Pattern / Pamor: Nggajih
Waves / Luks: 13
Handle / Hilt: Solo (Surakarta)
Sheath / Scabbard: Ladrang Solo, Teak Wood
Length: 34.6cm
Weight: 259 grams
Khodam/Genie/Jinn Spirit: Yes
Main Characteristic: Protection & Charisma Increasement
Virtues: Helps the user to develop courage. empower one so that others will see the user with prestige and Authority. Improves ones career. Attract wealth and fortune from all directions. The keris will protect the user from negative energies, bad luck. Others will sense a powerful authority aura from the user. Protect one’s self and also colleagues / subordinates.