Keris Flowing Gold (Pancuran Mas)
Magical virtues :
– Powerful for attracting wealth and prosperity constantly
– Business success
– Increase trade and sales
– Stabilize income and finances
Keris Flowing Gold Pancuran Mas
Pancuran Mas is a symbol of flowing gold, this keris is focusing on attracting the energy of wealth constantly to the owner, it will pull wealth from all points of the compass. It’s an easy keris to handle and very suitable for anyone, especially for business and traders, online shops and those who need a big boost in career development.
This Pancuran Mas Keris is Very unique uses Iron which appears as a greenish hue, highly sought after by professional collectors as it deemed this iron is one of the best qualities to use for magical keris swords. It’s rare and hard to find and as a result not many keris ever have this level of quality in the metal. This one Keris has 2 Pamor Pancuran mas and Wengkon the outer line at the edge of the keris. symbolizes protection of one’s business, assert, and career advancement. Whilst the keris main focus is on the attraction of wealth and money, it also protects what one has accumulated thus so far.