Karno Sword Handle Pandito – ZK-100


Availability: In stock

Karno Sword Handle Pandito


Karno Sword Handle Pandito Magical virtues:

  • Provides Protection Against Negative Paranormal forces
  • Wards of Demonic Entities
  • Helps to Develop a Strong Will Power
  • Provides Protection during Magical Rituals, Meditation and any other Spiritual Work.
  • Deflects Black Magick & Negative Spells Directed to the User.
  • Builds up a Psychic Shield Around the user against Negative Energies
  • Develops courage
  • Powerful Personal Magnetism
  • Sexual Prowess


Karno Sword Handle Pandito

This keris sword has stronger fire energies and is suitable for those who require this element within their Personality, the Keris sword can assist in developing stronger will power, developing courage.


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Weight 7.0000 kg
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