ZK-015 Keris Dhuwung
Keris Item No: 015
Style / Dapur: Dhuwung
Era / Tangguh: Mataram, 15th Century
Surface Pattern / Pamor: Nggajih
Waves / Luks: 3
Handle / Hilt: Solo (Surakarta)
Sheath / Scabbard: Sandang Walikat, Sandalwood
Length: 20 cm
Weight: 65 grams
Khodam/Genie/Jinn Spirit: Yes
Main Characteristic: Magickal Wealth Attractor
Virtues: Increases one’s leadership. Authority presence. Power of influence. Gains’ sympathy and affection. Demands Respects from Fellow workers and associates. Increases will-power. As a protector to own-self and colleagues.