ZK-011 Keris Sinom Robyong Kupu Tarung
Keris Item No: 011
Style / Dapur: Sinom Robyong
Era / Tangguh: Madura, 20th Century
Surface Pattern / Pamor: Kupu Tarung
Waves / Luks: Straight
Handle / Hilt: Yogya (Jogjakarta)
Sheath / Scabbard: GayamanYogya, Sapodilla Wood
Length: 37.2cm
Weight: 320 grams
Khodam/Genie/Jinn Spirit: Yes
Main Characteristic: Sympathy and Affection Magnet
Virtues: Increases one’s authority amongst others. Develop leadership and courage. Protects from negative spirits, bad luck, psychic attacks and spells. Protection from negative people, thieves/robbers/aggressors.