KP-011 Keris Sabuk Inten Mataram


Availability: In stock

KP-011 Keris Sabuk Inten Mataram


Keris Item No: 011

Style / Dapur:    Sabuk Inten

Era / Tangguh:   Mataram, 16th Century

Surface Pattern / Pamor: Beras Wutah

Waves / Luks:   11

Handle / Hilt:   Solo (Surakarta)

Sheath / Scabbard:  Gayaman Solo, Sandalwood

Length:    36.2cm

Weight:   193 grams

Khodam/Genie/Jinn Spirit: Yes

Main Characteristic:  


Virtues:  Improves any forms of business and Trade, Personal Safely from Negative People, Thieves/Robbers/Aggressors, Attain Respect from ones Social Circle, Increases one Authority/Commanding Presence, and Power of Influence.  Easy to Attracts Friends, Increases Personal Magnetism.  Wards of Negative Spirits, Demonic Entities.

Weight 5.0000 kg
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