KP-010 Keris Brojol Ilining Warih


Availability: In stock

KP-010 Keris Brojol Ilining Warih


Keris Item No: 010

Style / Dapur:    Brojol

Era / Tangguh:   Madura, 16th Century

Surface Pattern / Pamor: Ilining Warih

Waves / Luks:   Straight

Handle / Hilt:   Solo (Surakarta)

Sheath / Scabbard:  Gayaman Solo, Teak Wood Gembol Iras

Length:    32.4cm

Weight:   211 grams

Khodam/Genie/Jinn Spirit: Yes

Main Characteristic:   Magickal Wealth Attractor


Virtues: Keris helps the user to reach for higher ambitions & Goals, Fortunes will come easy to the owner. The owner will appear trustworthy with dignity by others. The owner will be liked by others, easy to attract people’s sympathy and affection. Success in Life. Develops Courage/Bravery.  Spiritual assistance/Guidance. Delfects Magickal Attacks, Demonic Spirits and Spells. Wards off negative Energies & Bad Luck. Power of influence.

Weight 5.0000 kg
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