KP-008 Keris Mataram Beras Wutah


Availability: In stock

KP-008 Keris Mataram Beras Wutah


Keris Item No: 008

Style / Dapur:    Brojol

Era / Tangguh:   Mataram, 16th Century

Surface Pattern / Pamor: Beras Wutah

Waves / Luks:   Straight

Handle / Hilt:   Yogya (Yogyakarta)

Sheath / Scabbard:  Gayaman Yogya, Timoho Wood

Length:    32.3cm

Weight:   165 grams

Khodam/Genie/Jinn Spirit: Yes

Main Characteristic:  Business Wealth & Prosperity


Virtues: Powerful Luck Attraction, Business Success, Assist in Business Development and Growth. Wards of Bad Luck  & Accidents. Increases Sales & Trade. Improves one social standing. Wards of Black Magic, Spells and Curses. Wards of Demonic Spirits, Negative Jinns and Spirit Forces. Power to Influence. Attract Sympathy and Affection.

Weight 5.0000 kg
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