KP-006 Keris Tilam Upih Madura


Availability: In stock

KP-006 Keris Tilam Upih Madura


Keris Item No: 006

Style / Dapur:    Tilam Upih

Era / Tangguh:   Madura, 17th Century

Surface Pattern / Pamor: Kulit Semangka (English : Watermelon)

Waves / Luks:   Straight

Handle / Hilt:   Yogya (Yogyakarta)

Sheath / Scabbard:  Gayaman Yogya Timoho Wood

Length:    36.3cm

Weight:   255 grams

Khodam/Genie/Jinn Spirit: Yes

Main Characteristic:   Business & Wealth Improvements


Virtues: Easy to manifest wealth from all points of the compass, Improves Business & Trade, Assist in creating trusting Relationship with Business associates, Attain high level of respect, Develop Bravery/Courage Fearless Attitude, Metaphysical Fencing, Deflects magickal attacks & Spells, Wards of Demonic & Other negative forms of spirit beings, Appear Powerful with Autroty Presence. Attracts Positive Energy to ones home, Wards of Bad Luck, Accidents and mishaps. Power of influence, Increases ones Magickal Power and improves Mystical Development.

Weight 5.0000 kg
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