KP-005 Keris Tilam Upih


Availability: In stock

KP-005 Keris Tilam Upih


Keris Item No: 005

Style / Dapur:    Tilam Upih

Era / Tangguh:   Kamardikan, 20th Century

Surface Pattern / Pamor: Keleng

Waves / Luks:   Straight

Handle / Hilt:   Yogya (Yogyakarta)

Sheath / Scabbard:  Ladrang Yogya, TRembalo Iras Wood

Length:    34.3cm

Weight:   226 grams

Khodam/Genie/Jinn Spirit: Yes

Main Characteristic:  Business Success


Virtues: Powerful for Business Development & Growth, Improves Social Circle. Attracts Wealth & Prosperity, Improves Trade and Business. Increases Positive Energy. Wards of bad Luck, Demonic Spirits and Accidents. Brings Properity and Blessing to any home this item is installed in. Guidence. Personal Magnetism/Charm.

Weight 5.0000 kg
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