Keris Bethok Budho Majapahit – ZK-327


Availability: In stock

Keris Bethok Budho Majapahit

General magical Virtues :
– Control and tame other keris energies and spirit entities residing in magical objects
– Help to control Spirit entities of all nature
– Tames aggressive energies or spirits
– Neutralize the negative effects of certain keris, black magic attacks, and spell
– Neutralize negative energies in one’s aura and the aura of the house
– Block and wards off Black magic in the house or for families
– Helps to fight Ghost and negative entities
– open a path to success
– attracts good luck

Keris Bethok Budho Majapahit

Keris Bethok is considered the mother of all keris and is often collected for the purpose of calming down other magical objects in the house. This is an essential item for those who have over a few kerises in their collection.
Bethok can also possess other unique skills and magical power and these are revealed to the owner over time.
This keris is suitable for anyone to keep in their home and it’s not picky for any owners.

Weight 7.0000 kg
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